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1. Akber, A., A.A. Portale, and K.L. Johansen, Pedometer-Assessed Physical Activity in Children and Young Adults with CKD. Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology, 2012. 7(5): p. 720-726.
2. Akber, A., A.A. Portale, and K.L. Johansen, Use of pedometers to increase physical activity among children and adolescents with chronic kidney disease. Pediatric Nephrology, 2014. 29(8): p. 1395-1402.
3. Alaylı, G., et al., Physical function, muscle strength and muscle mass in children on peritoneal dialysis. Pediatric Nephrology, 2008. 23(4): p. 639-644.
4. Hamiwka, L.A., et al., Physical activity and health related quality of life in children following kidney transplantation. Pediatric Transplantation, 2009. 13(7): p. 861-867.